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All images captured remotely over the Internet at Rent-A-Scope, Mahill, New Mexico, USA.

Takahashi Epsilon 250mm F/3.8 astrograph and an ST-8XE CCD camera on Paramount GT1100ME mount.

2.18 arcsec/pixel

Image details: Red 4 x 30 seconds. Green 4 x 30 seconds, Blue 4 x 30 seconds TOTAL EXPOSURE = 6 minutes

M6 M7 M2 M16
M6 M7 M11 M16
M18 M21 M23 M25
M18 M21 M23 M25
M26 M29 M34 M38
M26 M29 M34 M38
M35 M36 M37 M39
M35 M36 M37 M39
M41 M50 M52 M103
M41 M50 M52 M103

Martin Nicholson - Daventry, United Kingdom.

This page was last updated on October 9th 2007.